Sunday, November 17, 2013

"Dark Legacy": Intriguing Documentary

Numerous books have been written, movies made and documentaries produced surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.  Some are for mere entertainment while others attempt to use the existing evidence to answer the still many questions that surround what actually happened on that day, November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas.

"Dark Legacy - JFK II", created by John Hankey, is one such documentary. Having viewed this video a few times, I decided to write a review and summarize my findings and feelings regarding it.  This review is my opinion of what I've viewed.  I encourage you to view it for yourself and draw your own conclusions.

The Good and Not So Good
Hankey does a good job asking the right questions, questions many of which still haven't been answered to many's satisfaction today.  He uses mountains of circumstantial evidence to build the case of a conspiracy at the highest levels inside the Government of the United States.  There were some amazing circumstances regarding what took place at Parkland Hospital, the transportation of the body to Washington D.C and the autopsy that eventually took place at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland.

However, Hankey's production loses some credibility with me when he uses almost cartoonish music and graphics which, for me, takes away from the seriousness of his work and calls into question the overall accuracy.

Hankey clearly has an ax to grind with the Bush family and his dislike for them is on full display throughout the video, including several sarcastic references to George W. Bush, who at 17 years of age, would have had nothing to do with the murder. Why mention him at all?  

Hankey clearly dislikes George W. Bush and can't resist dragging him into an event he had nothing to do with.  One has to consider the date Dark Legacy - JFK II was made (2003), and could easily conclude Hankey was angry at the outcome of the 2000 election and just couldn't keep from taking a swipe or two at George W. Bush.

That aside, Hankey does a good job of connecting the dots.  Who was where, when.  Who would have known what when they did, what were the motives and who might have had motive to mastermind and undertake possibly the most tragic event in our history.

I encourage you view this video and draw your own conclusions but I have listed below, in bullet fashion,a few of the connections Hankey outlines in his documentary.  At the very least, intriguing.  If even half of what he states is correct, it is a frightening conclusion one could arrive at.

Here are some examples of Hankey's findings and claims:

  • autopsy legally should have been done in Dallas.  Secret Service took the body from Parkland Hospital and loaded it on Air Force One to fly back to Washington D.C. instead.
  • JFK's body was somehow transferred from the casket he was placed in in Dallas, placed into a body bag and moved to a different shipping casket prior to its arrival at Bethesda.
  • Several medical personnel on the scene at Dallas later testified the head wound at the front and right side of Kennedy's head had been surgically altered to "obliterate the evidence of a frontal entry wound".
  • the doctor who performed the autopsy at Bethesda had never performed one before on a gun shot victim. Kennedy was his first such autopsy.
Hankey implicates and connects the following people - much of which is guilt by association. Interesting, none the less.
  • E. Howard Hunt - CIA operative and alleged assassin documented to be in Dallas on November 22.
  • Frank Sturgis - CIA operative.  confirmed to be in Dallas motel meeting with Hunt and Marita Lorenz on November 21 and remained in Dallas on November 22.
  • Marita Lorenz - CIA operative. confirmed to be in Dallas motel meeting with Sturgis and Hunt on November 21 but left Dallas the day before the shooting indicating she wanted no part of the plan.
  • Jack Ruby - Worked for then California Congressman Richard Nixon in the late 1940's.
  • Richard Nixon - later, as President, would have direct ties to E. Howard Hunt.  Hunt was the ring leader of the Watergate burglary.
  • Richard Nixon was documented in Dallas on November 22, 1963.
  • J. Edgar Hoover, then Director of FBI, during World War II was directed to investigate American Nazi's and in 1942, the year USA got involved in the war, seized Union Bank of New York, labeling it a "Nazi asset".
  • The Director and Executive Officer of Union Bank of NY was Prescott Bush, father of President George H.W. Bush.  Prescott Bush is labeled a Nazi.
  • Fritz Thyssen - Nazi financier, supporter of Adolph Hitler had close ties with Prescott Bush at Union Bank of New York.
  • Averill Harriman, closely tied to Prescott Bush at Union Bank, also with Nazi ties and is connected to E. Howard Hunt via Brown Brothers Harriman, an American investment bank and securities firm.
  • Richard Nixon and Prescott Bush had a close connection.
  • Lee Harvey Oswald was on J. Edgar Hoover's personal radar as early as 1960 due to his associations with Russia and Cuba.
  • Waggoner Conn, Texas Attorney General, informed the Warren Commission, who was tasked with investigating the assassination, of the Hoover/Oswald connection in 1960.  The commission declined to even ask Hoover about it.
  • Oswald was believed to be on the payroll of the FBI, paid to spy on CIA activities.
  • Marita Lorenz identified Oswald as being in attendance at that meeting with Howard Hunt in Dallas the day before the shooting.
  • It was no secret J. Edgar Hoover hated the Kennedy's.
  • William Walters, FBI Clerk, warned Hoover prior of a likely assassination attempt on the President in Dallas.
  • J. Edgar Hoover memo of November 29, 1963, a week after the shooting indicates the FBI was investigating a "mis-guided anti Castro group, who might capitalize on the present situation and undertake an unauthorized raid against Cuba, believing the assassination might herald a change in US policy, which is not true."
  • George H.W. Bush named in the Hoover memo as the CIA officer associated with the "mis-guided anti Castro group". suggesting Bush was the one responsible for those people.
  • George H.W. Bush later testified under oath he had no prior associations with the CIA prior to becoming Director of CIA in 1976.
  • Bush denies he was "that" George Bush stating "it must have been another George Bush".
  • George H.W. Bush was documented to be in Dallas on November 22, 1963.
  • Allen Dulles, had been Kennedy's Director of CIA but was fired for his orchestrating the Bay of Pigs initiative.
  • Dulles was believed to have also had Nazi bank connections.
  • Allen Dulles, named to the Warren Commission to investigate the assassination of the President.
  • In 1962, following the firing of Dulles, President Kennedy was looking to dismantle the CIA.
  • Prescott Bush and William Casey (later to be named CIA Director by Ronald Reagan), formed a group, "National Strategy Information Center", to fight against Kennedy's move to dismantle CIA.
  • Richard Bissell, CIA Operations, helped orchestrate Bay of Pigs, also fired by Kennedy.
  • Both George H.W. Bush and E. Howard Hunt began serving President Richard Nixon in the early 1970's at the same time.
  • George de Mohrenschildt - Worked for the CIA and was instructed to hire Lee Harvey Oswald to be an employee at the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas.  He followed those orders believing Oswald was an FBI employee.
  • George de Mohrenschildt, the day he was contacted and requested to testify to  the House committee on assassinations, died of what was determined to be a self-inflicted shotgun blast to his head.
  • George de Morenschildt and George H.W. Bush were acquainted with Bush having roomed with Morenschildt's nephew at Phillips Academy in Andover, MA.
  • When Morenschildt's body was discovered, in his pocket was an address book that contained several names, one of which was George H.W. Bush ("Poppy" - family nickname for him) and listed his association with Zapata Oil.

Direct Connections - Very Close Associations

  • Prescott Bush - Averill Harriman - E. Howard Hunt
  • Prescott Bush - Richard Nixon - E. Howard Hunt
  • Prescott Bush - Allan Dulles - E. Howard Hunt
  • Prescott Bush - Averill Harriman - Richard Bissell - E. Howard Hunt
  • George H.W. Bush - E. Howard Hunt
Secret Society - "Skull & Bones"
This group was tied to Yale University, a secret fraternity that met twice weekly and rumored to have racist and radical views.  An extremely tight knit group sworn to secrecy and complete loyalty to one another.
Members of this secret society included:
  • Averill Harriman
  • Prescott Bush
  • George H.W. Bush
  • George H. Walker (grandfather of George H.W. Bush)
  • Robert Lovett - architect of the CIA and hand selected for membership by Prescott Bush.
  • F. Trubee Davison - Director of Personnel / hiring officer of the CIA and hand selected for membership by Prescott Bush.
  • Endicott Peabody Davison - F. Trubee's son and Bush family lawyer.
Zapata Petroleum Company (Harbinger Group)
  • George H.W. Bush set up his own oil business called Zapata Petroleum.  It was an off shore oil company located between Florida and Cuba.  
  • The location was in the same area the "mis-guided anti Castro group" was operating.
  • This was during the same time Allen Dulles was organizing the Bay of Pigs invasion in that area.
  •  The code word for the Bay of Pigs invasion was "Operation Zapata".
Hankey concludes by essentially identifying George H.W. Bush of masterminding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, claiming he would have had the motive, the access, the power, the money and the connections to do so.

I recommend you view the video for yourself and come to your own conclusion.  It's most certainly an unsettling documentary and not one anyone wishes to believe.  It may not decide for you what happened, but it most definitely will make you think.  Click the link and view for yourself.

Charles Jamieson